The controversial idea that popped in my head.

So, a few months back I had an idea, to turn an artists 5 inch wooden mannequin into a terrible dictator… I know.. Bad idea. I went ahead and painted him up and made a little cap, the idea was to make a series of these all different ones and take photographs of them with a green screen and then I would add in a blurred out image of the millions of people they had killed, or tortured.
OK, so I am going to show the final photograph.
This might offend some people.

It is clearly not to offend but an artwork.



Well, I thought I would share with you my idea. I was told by my partner, my tutors and friends NOT to go ahead with this because it was to controversial and it would offend too many people.

I would like to know your thoughts on this.

Free-Flowing Ink Photography.

Free-Flowing Ink Photography.

My First Idea I had for my exhibition was to pour different coloured inks in a really small fish tank and take Macro photographs, I experimented with various distances from the fish tank to form an attractive and rhythmical art using a pouring method to create these abstract photographs.

These are my first efforts, and there is so much more you can do with this technique using different tools and colours.  I’m longing to find time to try again and create “cells” in the pour by adding oily products to the inks and using different pouring techniques.

SGS Exhibition

So this week was our exhibition at SGS college.  I had some really great comments about my work. One comment was “I go to a lot of exhibitions, and I find this work a bit disturbing but at the same time its like a comedy. The best thing for me though is that the artist is the model. I see so much art and rarely see work about men or with men, its mainly about women and this is refreshing”.

I also had a a bit of a negative comment, I overheard a man saying he had already seen this work in the Lansdown Gallery, which made me think twice about displaying my art work twice.



Exhibition comments

Responses to Conversations exhibition, 27th-31st March, Landsdown Gallery.

“A wonderful variety of talent on display”

“Really enjoyed the diversity of the exhibition but particularly the way it was curated and the work displayed”

“I liked the interactive thread piece, it made me think of a brain or veins…”

“Brilliant stuff, Bright, Witty, Sharp”

“Great use of colour, shape and alternative ideas”

“Well balanced show beautifully curated”

“Good to see original, new exciting works of art!”

Graffiti or spray paint art.

I started using spray paint in my art, I have learnt how to spray paint stencils, and do the planets, but can graffiti be regarded as street art ever? Does it depend and on where it is, artistic value to beholder or materials used? If there is just text does that make it graffiti for example tags where people just write their name in a stylised way. Or for example NOP which it has been suggested is a gang name or not for profit. Does it depend on what the intentions of the author is?

This is a three layered stencil spray paint of my brother who passed away, and a rose on my back wall. this was my first spray paint i did, just to practice.

Technically street art is art that prior permission has been granted for or has been commissioned. However, some of what is technically graffiti is artistic and on the street so surely that then makes it street art? It can of course be considered vandalism if created without permission. I would not want someone’s name scrawled on my house, so agree with that view in terms of functioning buildings. But there are spaces where it seems relatively harmless like underpasses and wooden boards around building sites.

An example of an UK artist that uses stencilling is Banksey.

Banksy in Hull?!!

Or what about, this? Surely a face captured this well, is art? By the way, I love the blog this post has come from; it is all all about street art, so if you want to see some fabulous street art, mostly from Toronto, check it out!

Street art / graffiti???, you decide. If you fancy, let me know your thoughts in the comments.


Well, my exhibition went really good. Some positive feedback for my work, one person said 

“I go to a lot of exhibitions in Stroud and call in here most weeks. I find this work a bit disturbing but at the same it’s like a comedy. The best thing for me is though is that the artist is the model. I see so much art and rarely see work about men or with men, it’s mainly about women and this is refreshing”.

 Very positive comment. 👍

Brooklyn-based artist Kate Clark uses clay to sculpt human faces onto traditional taxidermy forms, covering the human features with the animal’s skin. She hopes her creations will help people reconnect with the animal kingdom and realize humans and animals are not as different as we think.

Kate Clark. Amazing artist, Brooklyn-based, she uses clay and taxidermy to create magnificent sculptures of animals with human features.