Graffiti or spray paint art.

I started using spray paint in my art, I have learnt how to spray paint stencils, and do the planets, but can graffiti be regarded as street art ever? Does it depend and on where it is, artistic value to beholder or materials used? If there is just text does that make it graffiti for example tags where people just write their name in a stylised way. Or for example NOP which it has been suggested is a gang name or not for profit. Does it depend on what the intentions of the author is?

This is a three layered stencil spray paint of my brother who passed away, and a rose on my back wall. this was my first spray paint i did, just to practice.

Technically street art is art that prior permission has been granted for or has been commissioned. However, some of what is technically graffiti is artistic and on the street so surely that then makes it street art? It can of course be considered vandalism if created without permission. I would not want someone’s name scrawled on my house, so agree with that view in terms of functioning buildings. But there are spaces where it seems relatively harmless like underpasses and wooden boards around building sites.

An example of an UK artist that uses stencilling is Banksey.

Banksy in Hull?!!

Or what about, this? Surely a face captured this well, is art? By the way, I love the blog this post has come from; it is all all about street art, so if you want to see some fabulous street art, mostly from Toronto, check it out!

Street art / graffiti???, you decide. If you fancy, let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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